This site supports the ecological environmental review activities through mapping, reporting and review submittals related to
projects and Georgia rare species and natural community data. The
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division performs these reviews.
You must have an account to use this site.
If you are a contractor/consultant with a firm prequalified to perform Ecology services for the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT),
please send an email to to request an account,
and be provided with a user name and password. (A single email may be used to request accounts for multiple individuals at the same firm.)
For all other prospective users, please send an email to
Please enter “GNAHRGIS Ecology account request” in the subject line of the email. In the body of the email, please provide the
following information for each individual for which an account is being requested: business email address, full name, and primary business phone number.
This secure site supports multiple browsers and provides most capabilities with mobile phones.
If you have an account, just log in to build your ecological review. Just follow the

icon to get more information on functionality.
For questions please email the
development team at UGA CVIOG ITOS